Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Kia ora koutou, 

It has been a busy week, mostly dominated by the RHL/RIL Board hui last Friday and the Trust Board hui the following day. It was great to meet Tā Mark Solomon, Chair of the Board of Directors for the next year. There was a lot to discuss and much of the meeting involved inducting Tā Mark (and myself) into Te Kaupapa Pakihi of RHL/RIL.

Both hui were very constructive, respectful and positive. We discussed improved financial reporting, processes and analyses to better support decisions when considering opportunities in fisheries and properties. We will be progressing a business plan for Board review on a commercial development of part of the property at Horton St and also initiate a short-term lease for scaffold storage on a small section nearby.  

The Trust Board met on Saturday with some great outcomes being agreed upon.  As part of this year’s budget, we will be doing some recruiting. We will be taking on a Kaiwhakamāherehere (Planner) to allow us to take a more active role in environmental consents and authorities. We will be appointing a funding and planning advisor so that we can take advantage of third-party funding and target programmes and developments that will support and develop Rangitāne. Janis de Thierry and Jeremy MacLeod have developed a comprehensive and exciting language and cultural revitalisation plan so we will need to take someone on to roll this out and we hope to fund this separately. More on recruitment for these roles soon. 

We are struggling to find a commercial cleaner for Ūkaipō, so please contact the office if you are local and would be interested in a casual cleaning role. 

Key aspects this week will be meetings to discuss insurance and investigating Mana Whakahono ā Rohe arrangements for better ways of working with councils when discussing RMA issues. It does not sound exciting but it is vital mahi. We are also chasing up the management plan for Te Pokohiwi and intend to progress this.  

Whānau Ora Wave 8 funding has opened and will be closing on 30 June. If you are thinking about applying for Wave 8 funding there will be a hui at Ūkaipo next Monday, 21 May at 3pm. Te Pūtahitanga advisors will be on hand to discuss applications and answer any questions you may have. Whānau Ora funding is available to those who wish to make a positive difference to whānau wellbeing. Initiatives should be whānau-centred, financially viable, strengths-based, locally-owned and intergenerational in their scope, and most of all, be innovative in their approach to the collective aspirations of whānau. We have application forms and information at the office otherwise for more information please visit

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that the Te Pumaomao Indigenous Nationhood Building Course will be held on Friday 22 June and Saturday 23 June. Takawai and Chris Murphy will be facilitating the course over two days focusing on helping participants understand Māori worldviews and how this enhances our law, philosophy and history.  Please contact the office if you would like to attend.  I’m looking forward to it. 

Noho ora mai 


Photo from left: Nick with the Board of Directors, Tā Mark Solomon (Chair), Haysley MacDonald, Leigh MacDonald, Judith MacDonald, Megan McKenna, Calvin Hart and Brett Ellison.



By |2018-05-14T15:55:11+12:00May 14th, 2018|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments