Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Kia ora koutou,

Language is more than a way to communicate—it offers a unique worldview. It’s almost impossible to fully appreciate Māoritanga without understanding Te Reo Māori. When a language falls silent, both wisdom and basic information are often lost, such as knowledge about healing plants and the environment, its stories, Karakia and Waiata. Language loss can also lead to the disappearance of more abstract concepts like Rangatiratanga, Kaitiakitanga and property rights.  Not only do we lose our national identity but such losses cut a culture from its roots, and sets its people adrift.  We had a couple of events last week that addressed this.

It’s been said that “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.”  So, we celebrated with our “living messages” last Friday at the opening of the new Kura, Te Pā Wānanga, at Omaka Marae. Despite sub-zero temperatures, there was a large turn out of at least 150 people. The Kura construction was a joint project with Omaka Marae, Renwick School and the Ministry of Education and it’s a well-designed facility.  It is the first in Te Tauihu and hopefully the first of many.  Our trustee, Melanie Riwai-Couch is pictured presenting a beautiful Rangatahi Korowai on behalf of Rangitāne.  

We held a Te Pumaomao Indigenous Nationhood Building course last weekend at Ūkaipō. Presenters, Chris and Takuwai Murphy were very entertaining and informative. We discussed post Treaty loss of culture, mana and property and, most importantly, the way forward. Also attending were senior managers from the Marlborough District Council and Te Piki Oranga. It was really good to involve other organisations whom we partner with, who added another dimension to the Kaupapa. We will probably do this again and I strongly recommend attending if you have an opportunity. It will inform you, may change your perspective and provide for better decision making.

Te Kohi Kai also held a Floundering event at the Wairau Bar yesterday. The nets may not have been full but attendees had a great time expressing Whanaungatanga and Kaitiakitanga, finished off with a Kai at Tuamātene.

The Trust is meeting next week so the Rūnanga will be concentrating on the mahi that supports this over the next few days.

Mā te wā


By |2018-06-26T10:42:00+12:00June 25th, 2018|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments