Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Tēnā koutou,

Last week we spent time with our auditors, BDO, finalising and reviewing last years financials.

We had a great day in the maara kai yesterday.  The weather was beautiful and we started planting some of the more frost sensitive plants. Chillis and tomatoes were planted in the glasshouse with courgettes, potatoes and more brassicas in the garden.  The first of the lettuces and cabbages are almost ready, we’ll let you know when they’ll be ready for harvesting.  Daylight savings is just around the corner so it’s a great time to be out in the garden and we encourage whānau to make use of this space.  We still have individual whānau plots available, these are even great for tamariki to plant veges that they like to eat.

There have also been a few requests for a hangi at Tuamātene before the end of the year.  For this to happen, we will need a hand so any offers with helping to source materials and with the mahi will be much appreciated.

Coming up, there is a hui in Nelson tomorrow for all Te Tau Ihu iwi managers.  As well as a meet and greet, we are hoping to discuss synergies and opportunities by working together when circumstances allow.  There is an Audit and Risk Committee hui on Wednesday and on Friday the Marlborough District Council will be demonstrating its new Resource Management System.

Finally, our next Kanohi ki te Kanohi hui is at 6pm this Thursday at Ūkaipo if you have any operational questions please come along.


Kia pai tō rā wiki!




By |2018-09-24T14:34:15+12:00September 24th, 2018|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments