Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Kia ora koutou,

Last week we had a great hui in Heretaunga consulting on the Draft Strategic Plan.  It’s interesting that each rohe has a slightly different perspective but similar concerns. Our next consultation hui takes place this weekend in Horowhenua on Saturday, and Te Whanganui a Tara on Sunday, we look forward to seeing you there.

It was a real pleasure to have the Pā Kids planting kamokamo, squash, pumpkin and beans yesterday afternoon in the Maara Kai. They were incredibly enthusiastic. Ngā mihi to Donna Nepia for organising this and Richard Hunter for his kōrero and guidance.

Tenders have now closed for the October ACE fisheries and the Horton St development and will be evaluated this week.

The bike took me to some fairly remote places in Central Otago over Labour weekend, including a memorial to James MacKenzie (the freebooter) who was captured by, and escaped from,  John Sidebottom and (the Māoris!) Taiko and Seventeen in 1855.  The monument reminded me that this country has some incredible stories.

The launch of the tamariki book ‘The Footsteps of Uenuku’ is on tonight at Ūkaipō at 6pm.  In my view, most indigenous stories about places are largely unknown and will disappear without books such as this, or interpretive signage and memorials.  I believe this will be addressed in our strategy and in the management plan for Te Pokohiwi.

Tomorrow evening I will be at Ūkaipō at 6pm for our monthly Kanohi ki te Kanohi hui. If you would like to discuss operational issues over a cup of tea and a biscuit please feel free to call in.

It’s a long weekend for those of us living in Wairau. Please note the office will be closed on Monday as we celebrate Marlborough Anniversary.

Mā te wā


By |2018-10-24T15:40:43+13:00October 24th, 2018|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments