He Aituā!

//He Aituā!

He Aituā!

Taku manawa e kakapa nei!
Tākiri ki runga, tākiri ki raro!
Ko taku tau kahurangi kua riro ki Paerau!
Tāhanga kau ana ngā tihi whakarongo kōrero,
He tohu mate! He tohu aituā!

With respect and love, the Trustees wish to announce the sudden passing of Paul de Toma Macdonald, the eldest son of Aunty Marge and the late Uncle Mugwi Macdonald.  Paul is the much loved brother of Lynne, Derek, Nicholas and their families.  Dearly loved Dad of Talia and Mamie Rose. 

Paul was a staunch advocate for the protection of the Wairau Bar and Lagoons.  He was very passionate about Rangitāne matters in recent years and was standing for election as a Trustee.  Our thoughts are with Aunty Marge and the whānau as they gather together for Paul’s return to the Wairau.
We will communicate arrangements as they become available.  

Electionz.com will make an announcement shortly with regard to the Trustee election process. 

Moe mai rā, e hika, i te kāhui o te tini whetū ki te rangi,
ki a Rangitāne tangata rau i ngaro ki te pō! Haere rā!

By |2018-10-30T16:01:39+13:00October 30th, 2018|Categories: Pānui|0 Comments