Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou,

Our focus for this month is planning and budgeting for the roll-out and implementation of the new strategic plan.  It’s going to be a busy year and we will be working on some positive changes in the way we deliver services.  There are some exciting projects coming up this year and we are looking forward to your involvement with these.

We have changed the monthly Kanohi ki te Kanohi meetings to bi-monthly, with the next meeting being held on Thursday, 28 February at Ūkaipō.  To keep the meeting interesting we will invite a keynote speaker along, so if you have any suggestions for a speaker or topic please let me know.

We have a surplus of organic vegetables ready to harvest at Tuamātene.  There are beans, large courgettes (rapidly becoming marrows), Māori potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots and broccoli.  Please help yourself to this kai, it’s free, all we ask in return is a bit of weeding. We would like to encourage whānau to make use of the maara kai, however, if you are unable to get out to Tuamātene, please call the office and we will arrange delivery.

Mā te wā


By |2019-01-15T10:05:12+13:00January 15th, 2019|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments