Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Nau (Cooks Scurvy Grass or Lepidium olearaceum)

Tēnā  koutou,

There are several carving projects in Waiharakeke (Blenheim) that we are considering taking on. If you are a carver or would like to learn to carve please contact the office. Similarly, we would like to start a skills database of members who we can call on for property maintenance such as tradies, gardeners, handymen etc.  If you are interested please give the office a call with your details.

This year’s first Kanohi ki te Kanohi meeting will take place on Thursday next week (28 Feb), 6pm at Ūkaipō. As well as a short update on operations from me, Richard Hunter will be our guest speaker for the evening.  Topics will include a description of the soils in the Marlborough region, development, and how this affects the Mauri of our environment.  Richard will also discuss a very interesting study currently underway looking at restoring Nau (Cooks Scurvy Grass or Lepidium olearaceum) in Marlborough, which is a very rare and threatened plant.  Many rare indigenous plants have been saved from extinction by adding value, for example, introducing these in plant nurseries for gardens.  As well as an attractive plant, Nau has the advantage of being very tasty (probably why it’s now rare) which means it could potentially be grown as a crop. Speaking of crops, Richard has also been involved with the maara kai at Tuamātene for several years and would be pleased to answer any questions you might have about the gardens or gardening in general.  So, I hope to see you on Thursday next week.

Finally, I would like to thank and farewell Madelene Reimer, who leaves us this week.
Madelene first joined us as a temp in August and has filled in when staff are away and helped with events.
Madelene has embraced all things Rangitāne and we have appreciated her enthusiasm and hard work.  All the best Madelene!


Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei



By |2019-02-19T15:29:56+13:00February 19th, 2019|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments