Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Tēnā koutou,

Last week was eventful, particularly for the Ngahiraka Mai Tawhiti crew.  The waka hourua (double-hulled waka) sustained damage to its mast while sailing south along the northern west coast with the Tuia 250 flotilla, forcing them to detour to Nū Pāremata (New Plymouth) for repairs.  It was a great relief to know that Paora and the other crew members were safe. Suz Tawaka had planned to be on the same waka hourua as Paora, but last minute changes saw her board the Tahitian va’a Fa’afiete. We are expecting the crew to join the other vessels at the Haka Pōwhiri for the Tuia 250 flotilla tomorrow at Meretoto.  This is an Iwi led ceremony to acknowledge Meretoto as a site of first encounters between Māori and Europeans. Due to the location and access, this event will be by invitation only.

Last Wednesday, Te Tauihu Kaumātua visited the Kura Pounamu exhibition at the Nelson Provincial Museum. After the museum our Kaumātua went to Tahunanui for fish and chips and a cuppa tea.  Thank you to our kaiawhina Donna Grace and Dana MacDonald for a great day out.

Groups of local school kids have been visiting master carver Reg Thompsett to learn more about whakairo and the pou whenua that he is carving for the new Ōpaoa Bridge.  The feedback from schools has been great.

A black plinth has been poured for the Tauihu and lighting will be installed over the next few weeks.  The Tauihu itself will be unveiled at a dawn ceremony on 25 January.  I would like to thank the Pelorus Trust for a generous donation towards the signage and lighting.

Be sure to take your whānau to Picton and check out the Kete Kai Street Market this Saturday from 3-8pm. There will be a free concert by Fly My Pretties along with other entertainment and lots of stalls.

Next Thursday, 28 November, we will be hosting a Hikoi to Te Pokohiwi with the waka hourua crews.  We are meeting at the Wairau Bar carpark at 9.45am and returning at 1pm for lunch at the Pilot House.  Please RSVP if you would like to come as numbers are limited due to the barge.

A reminder that Te Ipukarea is approaching quickly.  The event is in Mōtueka this year on Saturday, 7 December.  If you would like to participate, please register your interest with the office (03) 578 6180.

Finally, the Trustees have their first hui this Friday.

Mā te wā



By |2019-11-20T13:43:05+13:00November 20th, 2019|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments