Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Kia ora koutou,

I hope you are all doing fine as we head into the Easter break and our third week living at Alert level 4. It’s around about this time where people tend to get a bit relaxed, some of us would rather be enjoying the holiday away from home, but it is vital that we stick to the plan. Letting our guards down at this stage would be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of our people and most importantly our kaumātua.

Our staff have been busy reaching out to kaumātua to ensure they are aware of the services available to them. We have a whakaaro aroha for our kaumātua living in Aotearoa. If you are a registered member aged over 60 and have not yet received a phone call please ring our office on (03) 578 6180. Call kaumātua in your whānau this weekend and ask if they have been contacted. It may be that we need to update their details on our database.

The eight Iwi in Te Tauihu have teamed up with the Civil Defence Emergency (CDEM) Group as part of the district’s Civil Defence response. So far they have visited at least 40 whānau in Wairau to help out with kai and supplying medications. They have even helped whānau work out bill payments. If you find yourself in this situation and you live in Te Tauihu here are the contact numbers for your area: Wairau – (03) 520 7400; Whakatū & Tasman – 0800 50 50 75; Kawatiri – (03) 900 9329.

The guidelines for tangihanga held in Te Tauihu during lockdown were updated this week, you can find them here.

If you need to access support services and are unsure of who to call please contact our office on (03) 578 6180, we will be glad to help.

Finally, we have teamed up with NZSTA and will be holding an online governance training course, Kōrari, later this month. The free webinar helps you to understand the roles of school boards of trustees. Great for taiohi living in Te Tauihu with school elections coming up this September. Registration details are coming soon so keep an eye on our Facebook page. Meanwhile put the date in your calendar, 28 April, 1.30-3pm.

Mā te wā,


By |2020-04-11T10:24:54+12:00April 11th, 2020|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments