Rangitāne supports iwi businesses through COVID-19 and beyond

/, Pānui/Rangitāne supports iwi businesses through COVID-19 and beyond

Rangitāne supports iwi businesses through COVID-19 and beyond

As we collectively Unite Against COVID-19, Rangitāne o Wairau is responding to support whānau in need. To date, we have made sure to reach out to our kaumātua in Te Tauihu, whilst also delivering over 300 kai and hygiene packs to those in need, and along with the Kurahaupō iwi of Te Tauihu launched Te Kura Ora, a new oranga fund to support whānau experiencing hardship because of COVID-19 who require one-off financial support.

We’re now turning our attention to recovery. This message is about the next steps that we are taking to support whānau, particularly those who own a small business.

Rangitāne Investments Limited Commercial Property Manager, Corey Hebberd says “we know that doing business is tough right now. Our commercial arm, like all businesses, is feeling the effects of COVID-19. Although our diversified investments in property, aquaculture, equities and direct investments provide a good level of exposure to risk, we too are feeling the effects of the current economic head winds”

“Now more than ever, we need to focus on supporting local – and, where we can, supporting our own whānau enterprises”

“Both the Iwi Trust and our Iwi Investment Company contract and employ services via small businesses in our community to deliver our work programme. As we respond to COVID-19, we have brought forward plans to establish Rārangi Pakihi o Rangitāne, a Business Directory of whānau businesses. Not only are we sharing details with our wider whānau and iwi on their services, but we’ll also be engaging and contracting them where we’re able to”

The message for whānau who own a small business is get in touch with Corey Hebberd, our Commercial Property Manager, on 03 578 6180 or email corey.hebberd@rangitane.org.nz, to register on the Rangitāne Business Directory.

The Directory, Rārangi Pakihi o Rangitāne, was published on Thursday on the Rangitāne o Wairau website.

Corey says that “the hope is that Rārangi Pakihi o Rangitāne will capture a list of whānau businesses and encourage other whānau to support that business. Equally, the businesses on the list will be our “first port of call” when we need services”.

Rangitāne wishes to remind members that the Rūnanga office is available provide support. If you need support, please contact our office on (03) 578 6180.

By |2020-07-16T15:25:05+12:00July 16th, 2020|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments