/, Pānui/He aha tō mahere? | Have you got a plan?

He aha tō mahere? | Have you got a plan?

E te whānau, have you got a plan?

With Aotearoa now operating under the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF), it can be expected there will be more cases of COVID-19 in our communities.

One way we can all prepare is by planning. We have created a Whānau Plan to help guide you and make this process a little easier. We’ve posted one out to each whānau household (keep an eye on the letterbox) and you can also download extra copies here. Have a sit down with your whānau and do it together. Keep it on the fridge so you’re all in the loop. And please e te iwi, if you have any questions about the traffic light system or self-isolating, please give us a call on (03) 578 6180. We are always here to listen and to help.

By |2021-12-13T10:05:15+13:00December 13th, 2021|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments