

Kura Reo | Hōngongoi 2022

By |2022-08-18T15:38:09+12:00August 18th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

We were thrilled with the turnout for another Rangitāne o Wairau Kura Reo.  What a success! Kura Ririki was introduced as a new kaupapa to Kura Reo o Rangitāne. Facilitated by Wirihana de Thierry-Lukitau, Kura Ririki is a tailored programme that caters for tamariki and rangatahi aged 9-15yrs with medium to higher proficiency te reo [...]

Te Ipukarea – Te Tauihu Inter-Iwi Sports Day

By |2022-08-18T15:37:48+12:00August 18th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

We are looking for whānau who would like to represent Rangitāne at Te Ipukarea (Te Tauihu Inter-Iwi Sports Day) on 25-26 November.  Te Ipukarea 2022 will be hosted by Ngāti Toa Rangatira and includes basketball, netball, touch rugby, ki-o-rahi, euchre and golf.  We can register one team per age bracket.  Netball and Ki-o-rahi can have up [...]

Matariki ki Wairau

By |2022-08-18T15:37:35+12:00August 18th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Over one hundred people gathered for our Matariki celebrations at the Wairau Bar, making it one of the largest annual Matariki gatherings hosted by Rangitāne o Wairau. Paora Mackie, Kiley Nepia and Tāne Norton sounded the pūtātara signalling the beginning of the ceremony, followed by karanga, karakia and waiata. We paid tribute to our loved [...]

Rangitāne mourns Richard Bradley

By |2022-08-18T15:37:22+12:00August 18th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Whakawhiti atu, whakawhiti mai, auraki mai ana ko ngā mana whakatiketike i ahau, ko Te Whakamana, ko Tūkauae, ko Te Rerewa, ko Te Heiwi, nā te moenga i a Ngāi Tara, i a Ngāti Māmoe, ko noho ko te waikanaetanga, poua ana ko te mana o Rangitāne ki Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a [...]

Ipu Ohotata Launch

By |2022-08-18T15:29:20+12:00August 18th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

We welcomed our new Ipu Ohotata emergency container to Tuamātene Marae in July.  Through our iwi collaboration of Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust, Te Tauihu marae are now better equipped to respond should disaster strike.  For Rangitāne o Wairau, General Manager Corey Hebberd said the Ipu Ohotata supplements a wider programme of restoration [...]

Nau mai, haere mai Johny O’Donnell

By |2022-08-15T09:32:35+12:00August 15th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Nau mai, haere mai Johny O'Donnell We’re excited to welcome Johny O’Donnell to our team for the next six months. Johny is contracted to Rangitāne to support us as we embark on the exciting journey of developing a new education and mātauranga strategy for Rangitāne.   There will be opportunities to engage with Johny and [...]

Change of Balance Date

By |2022-06-01T11:58:17+12:00June 1st, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Kia ora e te whānau We are writing to update you on a recent decision made by our Trustees and Directors to change the annual balance date for our Trusts (Rangitāne o Wairau Settlement Trust and Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau Trust) and Companies (Rangitāne Holdings Ltd and Rangitāne Investments Ltd) from March 31 [...]

Engagement opportunity – Blenheim Sewerage Treatment Plant

By |2022-03-30T09:54:04+13:00March 30th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Kia ora e te whānau Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, and Ngāti Rārua have been engaging with the Marlborough District Council in relation to the resource consent for the discharge of treated sewerage from the Blenheim Sewerage Treatment Plant. This process has been supported by the engagement of Tina Porou. We would like to [...]

We’re here to help whānau navigate through COVID-19

By |2022-03-21T15:53:16+13:00March 21st, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Kia ora e te whānau, Have you or your whānau tested positive for COVID-19? Support is available. Remember we are here for you in this COVID-19 world. We've put together a quick list of support that is available. For Te Tauihu whānau, we're centralising much of our COVID-19 response through Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust. [...]

Appointment of Kaikōkiri Rawa me ngā Kaupapa (Property and Projects Coordinator)

By |2022-03-02T08:27:31+13:00March 2nd, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|

Will Macdonald appointed Kaikōkiri Rawa me ngā Kaupapa (Property and Projects Coordinator) Nau mai, haere mai Will! We are excited to welcome Will Macdonald into our team. Will has been appointed Kaikōkiri Rawa me ngā Kaupapa (Property and Projects Coordinator) and will be supporting the management of Rangitāne House and our commercial property interests across [...]