

Tuiti Makitanara (Sweet MacDonald) 8/8/1874 – 24/6/1932

By |2017-09-20T18:39:23+12:00September 18th, 2017|Categories: Pānui|

  As we head into the 2017 General Election, we thought it was timely to look back at our own Member of Parliament – Tuiti Makitanara or Sweet MacDonald as he was known.  Born at Havelock, Marlborough, on 8th August 1874 Tuiti was the second child and eldest son of Teoti (George) MacDonald and Rina Puhipuhi [...]

Te Matatini 2019 Regional Qualifying Kapa Haka Competition / Saturday 10th February 2018

By |2017-09-01T10:14:17+12:00August 22nd, 2017|Categories: Pānui|

Te Tau Ihu o te Waka a Maui Cultural Council are seeking expressions of interest for roopu/kaihaka who wish to participate in the Senior Regional Te Matatini qualifying competition to be held in February 2018.  For more details and to register your interest click on the link below.   Te Matatini Qualifying Competition Registration of [...]

Rangitāne o Wairau 2018 Trustee Election & AGM

By |2018-09-05T11:17:41+12:00August 16th, 2017|Categories: Pānui|

Kia ora e te iwi, the Trustee nomination/election process for 2018 is underway and the AGM date has been set for Saturday 17 November 2018.  All enquiries regarding the Trustee election can be made to the helpline at electionz.com on 0800 666 029.  More information about the AGM including agenda and travel will be available [...]

Our Update – June 2017

By |2017-07-11T14:21:17+12:00July 11th, 2017|Categories: Pānui|

Our Environment In the environmental space, we have Geoff Mullen working with us for the next few months, focusing on our environmental policy, systems and processes as well as business as usual activities. Geoff may be in contact with some of you regarding current resource consents and consultation processes. We are also talking with our [...]