Commercial Fishing2022-12-22T14:53:41+13:00

Commercial Fisheries

Our fisheries assets are a precious taonga and a major contributor to our current revenue base.  Our focus is on the nourishing and utilising of our commercial fisheries assets effectively, to deliver sustainable cultural and social benefits to our people.

Our vision for our fishing business is to be directly involved in the seafood business extracting above-average returns from the use of our assets within the next five years. The relationships we develop in Te Tauihu (top of the South Island) with the seafood industry will be of considerable value as our business develops further.  Moreover, a thriving fishing business will enable us to provide opportunities for our people to participate in our business.

Our ACE tenders are managed by our office. For enquiries please email admin@rangitane.org.nz.

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Contact Info

2 Main St, Blenheim 7201

Phone: 03 578 6180

Fax: 03 578 9321

Web: www.rangitane.org.nz