Te Reo Strategy Update

//Te Reo Strategy Update

Te Reo Strategy Update

Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou i tae mai ki te tautoko i tā tātau kaupapa, arā, ko te rautaki whakarauora i tō tātau reo rangatira. E mihi ana mātau ki a koutou i haere mai ki te tuku mai i ā koutou kōrero, i ō koutou mātauranga, i eke panuku ai te kōkiri i te kaupapa! Tēnā tātau i roto i te kotahitanga o te wairua me te aroha nui ki tō tātau reo, me te wawata nui kia haruru anō ngā kokoru o Te Wairau i tōna reo taketake, i te reo Māori e!

Thank you to all our whanau who attended the recent Te Reo Strategy hui. It was great to hear Te Reo and cultural aspirations from our whanau, including ways that we may accomplish our strategic goals and how we may increase our knowledge and practical use further.

Where to from here? We are happy to continue receiving your thoughts and views that contribute to building our Te Reo Strategy plan. Our Kete team have collated the feedback received at the hui and have started preparing a strategy document which we will bring back to you for further discussion. Having delayed the release of a cultural CPR kit in lieu of our consultation hui, we are excited to resume this project incorporating the feedback we have received. There will be a short turn-around timeframe for reporting back and implementation, reflecting the importance of Te Reo me ōnā Tikanga for Rangitāne o Wairau.

We acknowledge our guest facilitator and Te Reo exponent, Hania Douglas and thank her for her time and commitment to our Te Reo Strategy initiative. We look forward to Hania’s continuing support and input.

By |2017-08-11T14:39:01+12:00August 11th, 2017|Categories: Iwi|0 Comments