Corey’s Kōrero – a weekly blog from the General Manager

Kia ora e te whānau

Another week has sailed by – it was nice to have a longer than usual weekend with Labour Day earlier this week giving us a much needed three-day weekend.  Those of us in the Wairau will know that this coming Monday, we’ll also have the opportunity to enjoy another three-day weekend with the commemoration of Marlborough Anniversary.

In the past week, we received the unfortunate news of a confirmed COVID-19 case in the Wairau community.  The positive case flew from Rotorua into Blenheim on Thursday.  Thankfully, they got tested, which meant their time spent infectious in our community was relatively short.  But, as we all know, the Delta variant has changed the game for all of us.  The transmissibility of the Delta variant is high, and its consequences can be material and wide-ranging.  For that reason, our simple ask to whānau was:

  • Get tested if you have symptoms
  • Get vaccinated if possible
  • Check in with your whānau, kaumātua and friends, as we know that COVID-19 in our community is unsettling for many

Thankfully, it seems like this case was caught early enough not to see any widespread infection – but it is a timely reminder for us all of just how quickly things can change and why it is so important for us to follow good public health guidance, to keep ourselves and our most vulnerable safe.

It is timely that we have commenced work on a COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan.  Any thoughts that you have on how we can support our whānau and our community would be welcomed.  Feel free to contact me directly at

In other news, the Government has announced today that they will proceed with the proposed Three Water Reform Programme, which will create four publicly owned water entities, whose role will be to ensure every New Zealander has access to affordable, long-lasting drinking, waste and storm water infrastructure, whilst at the same time addressing issues around aging infrastructure assets and the need to invest to ensure drinking water standards are improved, and environmental outcomes can be achieved.  As the Government has said, the case for change is compelling.  The new model will provide for greater partnership with iwi/Māori, and councils, in the strategic oversight and direction of the entities.

We welcome opportunities to explore systems and models which will provide co-governance and a real opportunity for iwi/Māori to have seats at the decision-making table.

In the last week, we’ve also been excited by our continued collaboration with Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō about 2022’s Te Kaiaotanga o Te Reo – watch this space!

Finally, a reminder that the Marlborough Lines Tertiary Scholarship for Māori applications close on 31 October.  Our team is available to assist if you need support completing the form – please contact if we can help.

Mā te wā

Corey Hebberd

General Manager

By |2021-10-27T17:25:06+13:00October 27th, 2021|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments