Nick’s Kōrero

/, Pānui/Nick’s Kōrero

Nick’s Kōrero

Kia ora koutou,

Our kaitiaki met last Saturday for training on responsibilities including the legal and historical framework of cultural fisheries.  Key decisions at the meeting included that we need to make it easier for our people to get a customary fishery permit, to look at better permitting systems and the kaitiaki agreed to meet quarterly.  Details of our Kaitiaki and how to contact them can be found on our website under Customary Fishing.  I would like to thank Judith MacDonald for facilitating the course.

The kaumātua signed off an annual plan of social activity and whanaungatanga at their hui yesterday. The first event planned will be a visit to the Omaka Heritage Centre next Thursday, 28 August.

Wānanga Ahurea is on this weekend at Ūkaipō.  This weekend wānanga includes a day trip to Meretoto with Jeremy and Awhina. There are spaces still available and we have extended the registration closing date to 4pm Thursday 22 August so if you haven’t registered yet you still have time.  There are also travel subsidies available, please call the office on (03) 578 6180 for more information.

There will be a dawn blessing at Horton Street at 5.45am, Monday 2 September.  I know its early but this is a significant event for Rangitāne and we hope to see whānau there.  The blessing will be followed by hot drinks and a light breakfast.

On Monday, 9 September we will be kicking off Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with another te reo for beginners evening with Anton Matthews and the crew from Fush.  If you want a night off cooking for the whānau and feel like an entertaining evening out learning basic pronunciation and every day words in te reo, please come along.

We are currently working on a permanent landmark as contribution towards the Tuia 250 commemoration later this year.  Stay tuned for more information on this very exciting project in coming weeks. We are also working on a pou whenua with other local iwi which will stand next to the new Ōpaoa Bridge on SH1. Both of these projects and their interpretation will provide visitors and residents in Wairau a much broader appreciation of the Māori heritage in this region and the Rangitāne story.

Nominations closed last week for the Trust Election.  Voting packs will be sent out by Electionz once the candidates have been confirmed.



Ma te wa



By |2019-08-20T15:37:01+12:00August 20th, 2019|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments