Our Update – June 2017

//Our Update – June 2017

Our Update – June 2017

Our Environment

In the environmental space, we have Geoff Mullen working with us for the next few months, focusing on our environmental policy, systems and processes as well as business as usual activities. Geoff may be in contact with some of you regarding current resource consents and consultation processes.

We are also talking with our whānau at Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō to see if we can reduce duplication and share resources across some of these processes without compromising our own cultural viewpoint.

Financial Operation

We have worked closely this year with our accountant Kendons and our auditor Deloitte to fill the gaps identified in the audit reports around financial policies, procedures and controls across the organisation. At the Trust hui in June the Trustees approved new financial policies and procedures which will be implemented with internal controls by the end of July.

We are also expecting to be able to share with you the results of the independent review of our settlement structure and transactions in August.

Commercial Operation

The Trustees are pleased to announce that Judith MacDonald has been reappointed as a Director for Rangitane Holdings Limited and Rangitane Investments Limited. Judith’s knowledge and experience in Rangitane o Wairau matters is second to none and the Trustees look forward to working with her to build the commercial capability of our companies.

The response to our advertisements for Directors was very positive (55 applications). The panel consisting of Leigh MacDonald, Wendy Hynes and Judith MacDonald will interview the shortlisted candidates for the Chair role and the independent Director roles this week. The companies will operate with 7 Directors, as allowed for in the constitution, instead of 5, but the overall cost of the Directors will remain the same due to a reduction in Director’s fees.

Our People

Our Staff

At the end of June we farewelled Janine Thompson who has taken care of our people for two years in the key role of Receptionist. The welcoming way she embraced our people and her can do/will do attitude will be missed.  Janine is off to work at the new health hub in Blenheim and we wish her all the best in her new role.  Kath Grigor will join Jodie Palatchie and Diane Ryan in greeting you at the office until we fill this position.

In May, General Manager Liz McElhinney left and we thank her for her contribution to the organisation over the last year. The Trustees have temporarily expanded the duties of the Chairperson until the recruitment process for a new General Manager has been completed.  Both of these roles will be advertised shortly.

Our Whānau

The Ngā Manu Kōrero Te Tauihu regionals were held at the end of May in Nelson. Congratulations to Kiri Pounamu Nepia who came first in the senior Māori impromptu speech, prepared speech, overall winner and the taonga for best female. Also to Lucas Baker who came first in junior English, second in junior Māori and the taonga for combined individual or school in the junior section.

The Waitaha regionals were also held in Ōtautahi at the end of June with great results. Mei Riwai-Couch, winner of the Tā Turi Kara (Junior English) section. Brigham Riwai-Couch, second in Korimako (Senior English) Section.

Our rangatahi now head to Taranaki to represent Te Tauihu and Waitaha in the national Ngā Manu Kōrero competition in September and we wish them every success.

Our Language and Culture

Rangitāne E Tu! CPR Kit Our team

Our team have been working on collating a ‘kick-start’ CPR kit of foundational language and practices, aptly named Rangitane E Tu! This resource is to support our learning and development, for any and all Iwi members who have a desire to start or progress our cultural journeys. We are aiming for a release date of 25th July but hoping for sooner. Watch this space!

Human Resources

As we indicated earlier this year, it is critical that the board and management are working together as one team to meet your needs.  To ensure we have a common understanding of our obligations to each other, we are working through a process of updating our HR framework.  Employment agreements, job descriptions, performance expectations, and remuneration are all being updated and we look forward to moving together as a cohesive and team.

Health & Safety

A review of Health and Safety framework across the organisation is in progress. Until this is completed the wharenui at Tuamātene will remain closed. We will update whanau with progress as this nears completion.

Organisational Management

Strategic Planning

Work will soon begin on a strategic planning and consultation process. It has been a while since this was done so we will be actively seeking your views on direction and priorities.


Over the last two months, we’ve been working on rationalising our communication channels and reviewing their management and content. We’re pleased to announce we will be working with Mark Shaw and his team from Social Guy (who happen to be tenants in Rangitāne House) on communicating effectively with our people. We’d love your feedback on our new and improved communication channels.

By |2017-07-11T14:21:17+12:00July 11th, 2017|Categories: Pānui|0 Comments