Rangitāne mourns Richard Bradley

Whakawhiti atu, whakawhiti mai, auraki mai ana ko ngā mana whakatiketike i ahau, ko Te Whakamana, ko Tūkauae, ko Te Rerewa, ko Te Heiwi, nā te moenga i a Ngāi Tara, i a Ngāti Māmoe, ko noho ko te waikanaetanga, poua ana ko te mana o Rangitāne ki Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Māui e!

Richard Bradley, Uncle Richard to many, has been a prominent and key figure over many decades within Rangitāne and Māori leadership across Aotearoa. He will be remembered for his commitment to Rangitāne, his leadership and his passion for our whānau. Uncle Richard was instrumental in leading Rangitāne to its historical settlement with the Crown, culminating in our Deed of Settlement in 2010, which was subsequently passed into law in 2014. 

He led Rangitāne tirelessly over several years, and has left a legacy for our iwi to continue to grow, to prosper and to exert our mana and influence across Te Tauihu within our tribal rohe. 

There are many physical taonga that stand today, testament to the work of Uncle Richard. These include Rangitāne House (the former Blenheim Post Office Tower), Ūkaipō, Tuamātene and a number of pouwhenua across our rohe that tell our whakapapa and our history. Our tribal structures, including the strength of our investment companies, are also a legacy of Uncle Richard’s, as he was a key leader in their establishment.

Uncle Richard was also an integral part of the group who enabled the long awaited return and repatriation of our ancestors to Te Pokohiwi o Kupe, who were raided from the grounds and held by Canterbury Museum for seventy years. He has been staunch in his protection of Rangitāne mana and his contribution will continue to be felt for many decades to come. 

Uncle Richard leaves behind his wife Stephanie, four children; Rikihana, Atarangi, Aaron and Tara, and seven grandchildren.

#4 Peter MacDonald > Joshua > Josephine > Richard

By |2022-08-18T15:37:22+12:00August 18th, 2022|Categories: Iwi, Pānui|0 Comments