Summary of Trust Meetings

//Summary of Trust Meetings

Summary of Trust Meetings

Kia ora tātou e te whānau o Rangitāne ki Wairau

It has been six months since the AGM was held in February 2017.  During that time, we have been involved in many of the business as usual activities of the Trust eg. end of year financial statements and audit reporting, as well as out of the ordinary reviews and projects.

We have communicated key decisions to you via pānui but acknowledge that the frequency of pānui sometimes doesn’t allow for timely distribution of information.

As Trustees, we are absolutely committed to keeping our members informed.  However, we are also tasked with finding a balance between communicating the business of the Trust and maintaining the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information and employment matters.

The Trustees have discussed this balance and agreed that a fair and reasonable approach is to publish a summary of each Trust meeting as soon as practicable after each meeting and as processes allow.

Our Trust meetings typically follow a standard format:

  1. Meeting Formalities (Mihimihi/Karakia, Present/Apologies, Interests and Disclosures)
  2. Circular Motions for Approval
  3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Previous Trust Hui
  4. Organisational Management
  5. Financial Operation
  6. Commercial Operation
  7. Our People / Our Culture & Language
  8. Our Environment
  9. General Business & Updates

After each meeting, we will post a summary of key points.  A summary of the Trust meetings since the AGM in February can be found under Resources/Trust Meetings.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari taku toa he toa takitini – Our strength is in unity

The Trustees


By |2017-08-21T22:42:18+12:00August 21st, 2017|Categories: Pānui|0 Comments