Pūtea Tautoko (Grant/Sponsorship)2024-01-16T14:42:45+13:00

Pūtea Tautoko

Cultural and sporting pursuits are an important aspect of personal, whānau, hapū and iwi development. For this purpose, Rangitāne allocates a limited amount of funding toward sponsorship each year.

The purpose of Pūtea Tautoko is to encourage and recognise the pursuit of cultural and sporting excellence by Rangitāne.

Sponsorship may be allocated to participants or events promoting Rangitāne o Wairau in culture and sports in a regional/national or international forum.

Applicants can apply more than once per financial year (1 July – 30 June) however the maximum per year is $500.00. Applications will be considered monthly (pending number of applications). On occasion, the event may take place before the meeting is held. If for any reason the event does not take place or the applicant is unable to attend the grant must be refunded in full.

Application Criteria

  • Applicants must be registered members of Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau;
  • Applications must be made using the official “Sponsorship Application Form” and should be made at least four (4) weeks prior to the event;
  • Applicants must be selected to participate as an individual/group or team in a regional/national or international event recognised by the sporting or cultural body of that event, or be holding a significant event primarily for the people of Rangitāne o Wairau.
  • In relation to applications made under this sponsorship policy, Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau is unable to provide sponsorship for whānau reunions, fundraisers, buildings and equipment, wages, local sporting events, conference fees, education fees, school/university fees and uniforms.

How to Apply:

Fill in the application form and either email: admin@rangitane.org.nz or post it to Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau, PO Box 883, Blenheim 7240.

Successful Applicants must:

  • Submit a brief report, including photos and captions, of the event within 12 weeks of completion of the event being held. These photos may be used in our iwi publications, social media channels and marketing materials.
  • Acknowledge Rangitāne as a sponsor.
  • Promote Rangitāne values and beliefs at your event.

Applicants must adhere to the criteria for sponsorship and accept that decisions are at the full discretion of Rangitāne o Wairu. Failure to comply with these requirements may impact future applications for sponsorship or grants.

Pūtea Tautoko Application Form
Pūtea Tautoko Policy